Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cutting the trailing edge of the pre-glued nose rib pieces

Now that the nose ribs are glued to the upper and lower capstrips and the rib jig is complete we can now take the glued assembly and shape the trailing edge. To make this happen the assembly is inserted in the rib jib. Starting with the bottom cap strip first I pushed that down tight and let the upper capstrip, which is glued, just kind of hang out. I then took a straight edge and lined it up with the cord line drawn on the rib jig. I made a mark with a pencil.

The same can be done with the upper. Simply pry up the lower cap strip and push down the upper. Lay the straight edge on it and mark it.

Another way to do it is after marking the bottom go ahead and cut/grind it off then reinstall it in the jig and use the cut line on the bottom cap strip as a pattern to mark the top cap strip. Then remove it again and cut the top cap strip.

Below are the photos showing the sequence and the end result.

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