Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cutting out internal rib supports and making patterns

Once the pre-assembled nose rib assembly is in the jig and it's secure the internal pieces of cap strip can be marked and cut out.

People do this many different ways. Some cut all the parts out for all the wings and put them in bins. I decided I didn't want to do it that way.

What I did was make a set of patterns and number each piece at the the top of the pattern. I ordered them 1-14 starting at the front of the rib and moving down to the trailing edge.

Once I had these patterns I can simple keep the 14 numbered pieces in a zip lock bag and wne I want to assemble a rib I pull them out, lay them on a long piece of cap strip, mark them, cut them, then head out to the garage and grind each profile on the disk sander.

Below are the photos. No wedges are used at this time.

Below is my 9 year old son Henry taking patterns and marking them on a 4' long piece of spruce cap strip. After they are marked out I use a serrated bread knife and cut them up. Then I take them out to the 12" disc sander and profile them to the pencil marks. Because they are all marked 1-14 they are easy to put back in. Henry is also taking a sanding sponge (fine grit) and making sure the ends are prepared for a nice fit in to the jig.

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